August 2024
Getting A More Beautiful Belly Button With Your Mommy Makeover
Mommy makeovers are highly sought-after procedures, particularly for those who have recently lost weight or given birth. A mommy makeover generally refers to a combination of procedures designed to reverse the changes of pregnancy: tummy tuck with liposuction and a breast lift and/or breast augmentation. Among the various benefits of a tummy tuck is the significant improvement it can bring to a woman's appearance, self-confidence, and quality of life.
The appearance of the belly button or umbilicus can be a concern when contemplating plastic surgery. The belly button is centrally located on the abdomen and should be carefully addressed during a tummy tuck. Poor scaring or shaping of the belly button can take away from the result or call attention to the fact that a woman or man has had a tummy tuck. A well-done tummy tuck should include a natural-looking belly button with well-hidden scars and a natural appearance.
To address this, Dr. John Burns, a board-certified plastic surgeon and renowned expert in mommy makeovers, is well-equipped to give you a beautifully transformed belly button that compliments your new figure.
What Happens To The Belly Button During A Tummy Tuck
The belly button is a scar from where the umbilical cord is attached to the placenta during pregnancy. Under the skin, the belly button has a stalk where it is attached to the underlying abdominal muscles.
Mini Tummy Tuck
A mini tuck is an abdominoplasty technique where the incision rests inside the hip bones.
In a mini tummy tuck, a shorter incision is placed below the bikini line. The amount of skin removed is generally less than a standard tummy tuck. In cases where a mini tummy tuck is the best option for a patient, the upper incision won’t extend to the belly button. Dr. Burns utilizes two specific techniques to address the aesthetic of the belly button in mini tummy tuck cases.
The Umbilical Float Or "Floating The Belly Button"
In this technique, Dr. Burns divides the belly button is divided at the muscle so it moves with the abdominal skin. The advantage of this technique is that there is no scar on the belly button. The disadvantage is that the belly button will be lower on the abdomen. This technique is best suited for patients with long torsos and minimal skin removal so the belly button stays in an anatomically correct position.
Read More: Tiny Tuck: Floating the Belly Button- Advanced Techniques
Closing the Umbilical Defect
When it makes sense for the patient, Dr. Burns will close the belly button as done in a standard tummy tuck. Because the upper incision does not reach the belly button there will be a linear vertical scar between the new belly button inset and the lower incision. While there is a small vertical incision, the benefit is that the belly button remains in its natural position, avoiding a lower appearance on the abdomen.
Full "Standard" Tummy Tuck, Extended Tummy Tuck and More
During a tummy tuck, the belly button is isolated from the surrounding skin by creating an incision around the belly button to separate it from the abdominal skin. The belly button remains attached to the abdominal wall via a stalk where it attaches to the underlying abdominal muscles. Once the muscles are tightened, the loose skin and fat of the lower abdomen are removed and the upper skin of the abdomen is pulled over the area. The belly button is then pulled out through the skin using an incision designed to provide a natural shape to the belly button. Finally, the belly button is carefully sutured in its position.
Learn More: The Corset Tummy Tuck
Before and After Mommy Makeover in Dallas, Texas by Dr. John Burns, MD

Learn more: The Corset Tummy Tuck | The Tiny Tuck | VASER Liposuction | Skinny BBL | The Bikini Inciscion | Tummy Tuck Scars | Mommy Makeover BBL
Belly Button Appearances
What Makes A "Coin Slot" Belly Button?
One complication that can occur is “microstomia” which refers to the circular scar around the belly button becoming too small and in some cases closing up. A circular scar can contract in a circle becoming smaller and smaller. In these cases, the patient can massage the belly button to soften the scar and open the area. We'll direct our patients to pack the belly button with a marble or ear plug to preserve its concave shape and better overall aesthetic.
The V Shape Belly Button
Many plastic surgeons opt for creating a belly button design that is V-shaped to avoid a circular scar. The V shape is popular as it creates a hooding effect similar to the natural characteristic of most belly buttons. However, some patients feel the V shape is not as natural-looking because its appearance is too angular and exaggerated.
With all of this information about the design of a belly button, it's important to discuss your desired belly button aesthetic with your surgeon before surgery.
Other Abnormalities
Umbilical Hernia
Belly button or umbilical hernias are very common after pregnancy. An umbilical hernia is formed by a weakness in the umbilical stalk where abdominal fat pushes through and deforms the belly button. Dr. Burns frequently does umbilical hernia repair as part of tummy tuck surgery.
Popular shapes are vertical or oval, T shape, horizontal shape, or V/inverted U shape. Overly large, protruding, or badly scarred belly buttons can be unsightly and a telltale sign of a tummy tuck. A lot of what's possible for the individual depends on their anatomy and preferences, making it essential that you and Dr. Burns review this together in your plastic surgery consultation.
Poor scarring can be more difficult to manage with belly buttons. The scar can become tight and constrict the belly button. Scars can migrate outward and become more visible. Some scars can become hypertrophic (red, thickened). In instances where poor scarring must be addressed, Dr. Burns has three methods to address scarring: steroid injection, laser skin rejuvenation, and laser scar therapy.
The belly button must be situated in its natural position on the abdomen, which is determined to be at the level of the posterior superior iliac spine along the midline. A belly button that is positioned too low, too high, or off-center can disrupt aesthetic harmony. Dr. Burns takes great care and precision during your tummy tuck procedure to ensure your belly button is optimally placed and aligned with your anatomy.
Over-stretching of Abdominal Skin
Determining the optimal amount of abdominal skin to remove is crucial for achieving the best possible result. Removing too little can lead to skin laxity and a lack of definition, while removing too much may cause the incision to rise too high, resulting in a disproportionately short waist and an unappealing contour.
An overly tight incision creates excessive tension, which can widen the scar and compromise healing. To prevent these issues, skilled surgeons position the lower incision just below the panty line and assess the top incision while the patient is flexed at a 30-degree angle. This meticulous technique ensures the removal of precisely the right amount of tissue, promoting a flat, sculpted abdomen without excessive tightness.
Significant Weight Gain After Surgery
Maintaining a stable weight is crucial after tummy tuck surgery. Significant weight gain can lead to skin re-stretching, loosening of the abdominal plication, and an increase in fat deposits around the abdomen and waist. In some instances, this can cause the belly button scar to stretch, making it more prominent.
Learn More: How To Tell If You Need Lipo or a Tummy Tuck
Avoid The Tell-Tale Signs Of A Tummy Tuck
Dr. John Burns strives to create results that leave you feeling your most confident without giving away any signs that you've had surgery. This includes avoiding visible scars as much as possible. He's got a four-part method for helping you achieve a leaner, more natural-looking abdomen and a tightly sculpted waist:
- Bikini Incision: The tummy tuck abdominal incision is placed low on the abdomen so it's hidden in the panty line below a bikini bottom.
- The belly button should be inset as naturally as possible with the scar well hidden.
- Liposuction should be meticulously done to avoid contour irregularities and sculpt the waist avoiding fat around the flanks and lower back.
- The amount of tissue removed should be just enough to achieve a flat and contoured abdomen that maintains proper waist and trunk dimensions so as not to leave the patient short-waisted.
Read More: Optimizing Your Tummy Tuck Scars: Getting The Best Results Possible
Before and After Tummy Tuck- Dr. John Burns MD, in Dallas, Texas

Learn More: The Tiny Tuck: Mini Tummy Tuck with Major Benefits | Tummy Tuck Revision | 5 Secrets For Nearly Invisible Tummy Tuck Scars
Book Your Mommy Makeover Consult With Dr. John Burns
To Learn More

A tummy tuck is an excellent option for individuals who are unhappy with loose or sagging skin around their abdomen. If traditional diet and exercise haven’t yielded the desired results, we can enhance the area for a more sculpted appearance. To understand more about Dr. Burns' approach, schedule a consultation today.
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