Breast Reduction Surgery in Dallas, Texas- Dr. John Burns MD
Breast Reduction Surgery in Dallas, Texas- Dr. John Burns
Many women suffer from excessively large breasts. We'll often listen as women share their struggle with symptoms of breast, neck, back, and shoulder pain, bra strap grooving and rashes. Some women also experience stretch marks on the breast and sagging of the breasts.
A breast reduction is designed to remove excess breast tissue and fat while preserving a feminine aesthetic for women with large, pendulous breasts.

What Is A Breast Reduction?
A breast reduction, medically known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at reducing the size and reshaping the breasts.
This intervention is typically sought by women who experience physical discomfort, such as back, neck, or shoulder pain, due to excessively large breasts. In addition to addressing physical discomfort, breast reduction surgery can also enhance the overall appearance of the breasts, providing a more proportionate and balanced contour.
During the procedure, excess breast tissue, fat, and skin are removed, and the remaining breast tissue is reshaped to achieve the desired size and appearance. Besides the physical benefits, many women who undergo breast reduction surgery also report improvements in self-esteem and body image.
Does A Breast Reduction Include A Breast Lift?
Yes, the procedure always includes a breast lift as part of the surgical procedure. Both breast reduction and breast lift surgeries involve reshaping the breasts, but they serve different primary purposes.
In your procedure, Dr. Burns removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to reduce the size and weight of the breasts. This procedure is commonly sought by women experiencing physical discomfort or pain due to disproportionately large breasts.
A breast lift, on the other hand, focuses on improving the breast's position, shape, and overall appearance. It involves lifting and tightening the breast tissue to counteract sagging or ptosis.
Because the procedures are done the same way, the breast lift removes excess skin while the breast reduction removes both breast tissue and skin. There is no separate charge for a breast lift when doing a breast reduction as a breast lift is part of the breast reduction procedure.
Candidates for Breast Reduction
Good candidates for breast reduction are typically individuals who experience physical and emotional discomfort due to disproportionately large breasts. Several factors may make someone a suitable candidate for breast reduction surgery:
- Physical Discomfort: Women with large breasts often suffer from physical issues such as chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain. Breast reduction can alleviate these symptoms by reducing the weight and volume of the breasts.
- Skin Irritation: Large breasts may lead to skin irritation, rashes, or infections underneath the tissue folds. The surgery can help eliminate or reduce these issues.
- Posture Problems: Excessively large breasts can contribute to poor posture and spinal curvature. The procedure itself can help improve posture and alleviate associated discomfort.
- Limitations in Physical Activity: Women with large breasts may find it challenging to engage in certain physical activities or exercise. Breast reduction can enhance the ability to participate in an active lifestyle.
- Psychological Well-being: Emotional and psychological factors, such as self-esteem and body image concerns, may also be considered. Some women may choose to reduce size and volume to improve their overall well-being and confidence.
- Stable Health: Candidates should be in good general health. This includes being free from underlying medical conditions that could increase surgical risks.
- Realistic Expectations: Candidates should have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure. A consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon can help individuals understand what can be achieved through breast reduction surgery.
Benefits Of Breast Reduction
A breast reduction offers various physical and emotional benefits for individuals experiencing discomfort or dissatisfaction with overly large breasts. Some of the key benefits include:
Alleviation of Physical Discomfort
Reduction mammoplasty can significantly alleviate physical discomfort associated with large breasts, including neck, back, and shoulder pain. Individuals often experience improved posture and reduced strain on the upper body.
Relief From Skin Irritations and Rashes
Large breasts may cause skin irritation and rashes, particularly in the creases beneath the breasts. Breast reduction surgery eliminates excess skin, reducing the likelihood of these issues.
Enhanced Physical Activity
Individuals with large breasts may find physical activity challenging. Breast reduction can enhance one's ability to engage in exercise and lead an active lifestyle without the constraints imposed by overly large breasts.
Improved Clothing Fit and Wardrobe Options
Breast reduction surgery allows for more proportionate and balanced breast size, making it easier to find well-fitting clothing and expanding wardrobe options. This can contribute to increased confidence and self-esteem.
Correction of Breast Asymmetry
Breast reduction surgery can address asymmetry and create a more balanced and harmonious breast appearance.
Enhanced Quality of Life
Many individuals report an improvement in overall quality of life after breast reduction, citing increased comfort, confidence, and a positive impact on both physical and mental well-being.
Psychological Well-Being
Emotional benefits are significant, with many patients experiencing enhanced self-esteem and body image following breast reduction. Relief from the physical burdens of large breasts can positively impact mental health.
Reduced Strain on the Spine and Posture Improvement
By reducing the weight and volume of the breasts, breast reduction can contribute to improved spinal health and posture. Individuals often experience less strain on the neck, shoulders, and upper back.
Easier Bra Shopping
With a more proportionate breast size, individuals may find it easier and more enjoyable to shop for bras, and they may experience increased comfort in everyday undergarments.
Breast Reduction Before and After by Dr. John Burns in Dallas, Texas

How Will My Breasts Look After Breast Reduction?

Immediately after surgery, the breasts will appear bruised and swollen. Often a suction drain tube is placed for larger breast reductions. After several weeks the swelling resolves and the breasts settle into a more normal anatomic position so that they are not quite as high. The incisions are red and raised at first and then slowly heal to become fine white lines after several months.
Over time the breasts will still be susceptible to gravity and stretching of the skin can occur. This is called “bottoming out.” Supporting the breasts with a form-fitting snug bra is the best protection against skin stretching and should always be done; especially during exercise. Maintaining the result with proper diet and exercise to keep a stable weight also helps the result to last.
How Much Smaller Will My Breasts Be After Surgery?
It depends on your starting point and how much tissue can realistically be removed. Safely is our number one priority so there is a limit on how small you can actually go as enough tissue need to be maintained to supply blood to the nipple/areola complex. Generally, most patients can achieve a C cup with breast reduction and in certain cases even a B cup is possible.
For extremely large breasts, a technique called a free nipple graft can be used. In this case, the nipple/areola can be removed and then replaced as a “skin graft” onto the redacted breast. This technique allows more aggressive removal of breast tissue but patients will lose sensation in their nipples and won’t be able to breastfeed in the future. For these reasons, this technique is not commonly used.
Will Insurance Cover My Breast Reduction?
In some cases, health insurance may cover breast reduction surgery, especially if the procedure is deemed medically necessary rather than purely cosmetic. Insurance coverage varies based on individual policies, providers, and specific circumstances. Most insurance companies have very specific criteria. Here are common factors that insurance companies consider when determining coverage for breast reduction:
Medical Necessity
Insurance companies typically consider breast reduction surgery medically necessary when it is performed to alleviate physical symptoms such as chronic pain, neck, and back pain, skin irritation, or difficulty with physical activities due to excessively large breasts.
Documentation of Symptoms
Surgeons often work with patients to document the physical symptoms and provide evidence of medical necessity. This may include medical records, photographs, and a detailed description of how the large breasts impact the individual's daily life.
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Some insurance companies may consider a person's body mass index (BMI) in their assessment. Certain insurers may require patients to have a BMI within a specific range for coverage.
Conservative Treatments
Insurance providers may require evidence that conservative treatments (such as physical therapy, pain medications, or custom bras) have been tried without providing sufficient relief.
Surgeon's Recommendation
The surgeon's recommendation and the documentation provided play a crucial role in influencing insurance coverage. A letter of medical necessity from the surgeon is often required.
Before considering breast reduction surgery, it is advisable to contact your health insurance provider to inquire about their specific criteria for coverage and obtain information on the pre-authorization process.
Enhanced Quality of Life
Many individuals report an improvement in overall quality of life after breast reduction, citing increased comfort, confidence, and a positive impact on both physical and mental well-being.
Psychological Well-Being
Emotional benefits are significant, with many patients experiencing enhanced self-esteem and body image following breast reduction. Relief from the physical burdens of large breasts can positively impact mental health.
Reduced Strain on the Spine and Posture Improvement
By reducing the weight and volume of the breasts, breast reduction can contribute to improved spinal health and posture. Individuals often experience less strain on the neck, shoulders, and upper back.
Easier Bra Shopping
With a more proportionate breast size, individuals may find it easier and more enjoyable to shop for bras, and they may experience increased comfort in everyday undergarments.
How Much Is Breast Reduction Surgery?
In Dr. Burns’ practice, a breast reduction is about $10,000 and includes a surgeon’s fee, facility OR fee, board-certified anesthesiologist fee, and post-surgery garments/bra.
How Long After Surgery Will I Know My Size?
It might take several months for all the swelling to resolve and the breasts to settle into position. It is advisable not to buy too many bras until your final size is known.
Can I Breastfeed After Breast Reduction?
Breastfeeding after a breast reduction surgery is generally possible and the ability to breastfeed may vary from person to person. Breast reduction surgery involves the removal of breast tissue, repositioning of the nipple-areola complex, and sometimes the severing of milk ducts, which can affect the milk supply.
Factors influencing the ability to breastfeed after breast reduction include:
Surgical Technique
The surgical technique used can impact the preservation of milk ducts and glandular tissue. Some techniques may be more conducive to maintaining breastfeeding capability.
Amount of Tissue Removed
The amount of breast tissue removed during the surgery can influence milk production. If a significant portion of glandular tissue is removed, it may reduce the ability to produce an adequate milk supply.
Nipple Sensation
Preservation of nipple sensation is important for the let-down reflex, which helps release milk. If the nerves supplying the nipple are affected during surgery, it may impact breastfeeding.
Time Since Surgery
The time elapsed since the breast reduction surgery can affect breastfeeding success. Generally, the longer the time since the surgery, the more likely it is that breastfeeding may be possible.
Individual Variation
Every individual is unique, and some women may experience successful breastfeeding after breast reduction surgery, while others may encounter challenges.
It's essential for individuals who have undergone breast reduction surgery and are considering breastfeeding to discuss their intentions with their surgeon. A thorough evaluation of the surgical technique used, the preservation of breast tissue, and the potential impact on breastfeeding can provide valuable information.
If breastfeeding is a priority, it's advisable to consult with a lactation consultant or a healthcare professional who specializes in breastfeeding. They can assess the individual's specific situation, provide guidance, and support the breastfeeding journey.
What Does My Recovery Look Like?
Like most breast procedures, the first week is the most intense and there is a rapid progression from there. Initially, the breasts are bruised and swollen after the procedure. For larger breast reductions, a suction drain is used which is generally removed at one week. Incisions are covered with gauze and steri-strips.
The next week there will be much less pain and patients usually are able to drive and do activities of daily living. Some patients can begin light, non-weight-bearing, exercise at two weeks and slowly increase from there.
Incisions are red and raised at first and then mature into fine white lines over several months to one year. The breasts first appear high and tight and then settle into position over the first several weeks.
Maintaining the result is done by maintaining a stable weight. Wearing a supportive bra is helpful to keep the breasts from sagging due to gravity. Scar care with scar gel, silicone sheeting, and laser treatments are suggested to optimize the scars. Scar care is done in conjunction with Dr. Burns’ skincare and laser center: EpiCentre.
How long after pregnancy/breastfeeding can I have breast reduction?
It is advisable to wait between 3 and 6 months after stopping breastfeeding for all the milk to dry up and the breasts to return to their normal, pre-pregnancy size.
Can I reduce the size of my breasts naturally?
Weight loss can result in a decrease in your breast size. Most insurance companies require a normal BMI before agreeing to cover a breast reduction.
Will having the surgery cause me to lose weight?
Generally, the amount of tissue removed is negligible and this should not be considered a weight loss procedure. However, this is a powerful shaping procedure and patients will feel better as evidenced by decrease neck and back pain.
Will my heavy breast pain be improved?
Yes. Removing large breasts is a huge relief for neck pain, back pain, bra strap grooving, and postural changes. The relief is almost instant after surgery.
How soon can I work out?
Most patients can begin light, non-lifting, exercise at about 2 weeks with slow advance as tolerated.
How old do I have to be to get a breast reduction?
You need to be at least 18 years of age for a breast reduction. Breast tissue often grows up to age 22 so this should also be considered. In extreme cases, a breast reduction can be done with parental consent.
Can I do breast lipo without having a breast reduction?
For smaller breast reductions, liposuction can be used as a means to reduce the size of your breasts. However, with liposuction, there is not skin removal or a breast lift, so often the breasts will droop after liposuction. Many patients desire liposuction as part of their breast reduction. Common areas treated with breast reduction are armpit/axilla fat, back fat, bra fat, or arm fat.
Schedule Your Breast Reduction Consult with Board-certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. John Burns
Dallas breast surgeon specialist, Dr. John Burns is one of the leading plastic surgeons in the United States. Having performed thousands of breast lift, breast augmentation, and breast revision cases, Dr. Burns was selected as one of America's Top Plastic Surgeons by Newsweek Magazine and Statista.
Dr. Burns offers both virtual and in-office plastic surgery consultations for men and women seeking plastic surgery in Dallas, throughout the United States, and the world.