Dallas Rhinoplasty Surgeon- Best Rhinoplasty Dallas- Dr. John Burns
Dallas Rhinoplasty
Surgeon- Dr. John Burns
Rhinoplasty continues to be a popular procedure for men and women who want both functional and aesthetic. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports over 350,000 nose jobs are performed yearly.
Rhinoplasty Results
Dr. Burns' Philosophy
on Rhinoplasty
In plastic surgery, rhinoplasty stands alone as the most challenging and nuanced procedure. The nose is both the most prominent facial feature and functions in the act of breathing. Rhinoplasty takes years to master as millimeters can differentiate results. Dr. Burns’ has more than 20 years of experience in rhinoplasty and understands how to achieve a patient's desired results.
Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Burns believes that the art of rhinoplasty is beautiful but subtle. Making changes that are not consistent with a patient’s appearance can result in unnatural results.
Patient-doctor communication is essential to achieving desired goals and outcomes. To help rhinoplasty patients visualize the difference cosmetic surgery would make for them, Dr. Burns uses the latest generation 3D imaging technology. 3D imaging creates a productive dialogue around expectations, allowing the patient and board-certified plastic surgeon to communicate clearly about desired results.
Following your plastic surgery consultation with Dr. Burns, you will receive a highly personalized, treatment plan to achieve the results you desire.
Reasons Men & Women Get Nose Jobs

To Improve
Bulbous Tip
Droopy Nose
High Bridge

To Correct
Asymmetric Tip
Upturned Nose
Narrow Nose

To Address
Dorsal Hump
Wide or flaring nostrils
Low Bridge

To Repair
Broken Nose
Deviated Septum
Nostril Collapse
Types of Rhinoplasty Procedures

Open Rhinoplasty
Most cases require an open approach so that the nose can be directly examined and modified. This involves a virtually imperceptible external incision with the majority of the incision being inside the nose. The nasal skin is dissected free from the bone and cartilage framework. Once the desired changes are complete, the skin is replaced and sutured into place.
Closed Rhinoplasty
In select cases, a nose job can be done closed with no external incision. The nasal skin is not folded back so that any changes to the bone or cartilage are done with limited visibility.
Before and After Rhinoplasty by
Dr. John Burns

Revision Rhinoplasty
Secondary Rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty is much more difficult with the second and subsequent surgeries. Scar tissue builds up making the dissection difficult and scar tissue affects the pliability of the underlying cartilage. Swelling is enhanced and prolonged with revision rhinoplasty. For these reasons, choosing a surgeon with expertise in revision rhinoplasty is best.
Ethnic Rhinoplasty
Ethnic rhinoplasty poses unique challenges. It is always best to remain true to a patient’s ethnicity or the result will appear unnatural. Careful attention to detail is necessary to both achieve the desired result and remain true to a patient’s ethnic background.
Preservation Rhinoplasty
Preservation rhinoplasty is a time-tested procedure using techniques that are designed to preserve native anatomy. As the name suggests, preservation rhinoplasty preserves rather than removes tissue. Preservation rhinoplasty does have limited utility and is not suitable for all cases. Preservation techniques have recently undergone a resurgence in popularity but should be utilized only for appropriate cases.
Candidates For
Nose Surgery
Candidates for rhinoplasty are in good health and do not smoke. Rhinoplasty candidates should have clear and defined goals with achievable expectations. It is important to thoroughly review your goals with your plastic surgeon to ensure that your expectations are reasonable.
How Is The
Procedure Performed?
The surgery is done in a fully accredited surgery center or hospital and requires general anesthesia. The surgery itself lasts about 2 to 4 hours on average, and is considered an outpatient procedure.
Rhinoplasty Recovery
The nose is numbed before the procedure ends to maintain patient comfort after surgery. Splints are typically placed in the nose and on the outside. Nose splints and sutures are removed at one week. There can be bruising for a week or two after the procedure. The nose will be swollen for up to 6 months after surgery. Final results will be evident at 6 months.
Recovery Expectations
Procedure Length: 2 - 4 hours
Anesthesia: General (occasionally local with sedation for smaller procedures)
In/Outpatient: Outpatient
Side Effects: Temporary swelling, bruising, and some pain
Risks: Pain, bleeding, infection, rare breathing problems, incomplete improvement
Recovery: Back to work with makeup: 1 week
More strenuous activity: 2 weeks
Final Appearance: 6 months for swelling to completely resolve
Duration of Results: Permanent
Rhinoplasty FAQs
- How popular is the procedure? Rhinoplasty is one of the most common facial plastic surgery procedures, with over 350,000 cases performed yearly (ASPS.org).
- What is the cost? Cost depends on the experience of the surgeon and will vary widely between surgeons. Total costs will include the operating room and anesthesia.
- Does the procedure require anesthesia? Yes, the procedure requires general anesthesia
- Are the results permanent? Yes, unlike some plastic surgery procedures which are subject to gravity and age, results are permanent.
- When will I see the final result? Swelling does affect the nose more than some areas of the body. The final result won’t be evident for 6 months to allow swelling to fully resolve
- How long is the recovery period? Most patients can return to work in one to two weeks.
Cosmetic vs. Insurance
Insurance may cover the functional part of a nose job to address breathing problems. Insurance will not support cosmetic concerns.
Plastic Surgery Financing
Mini lifts are considered elective and not covered by insurance. The cost of a mini lift is determined by the surgeon's fee, anesthesia fee, and operating room fee. For those who prefer to review financing options, Dr. Burns' practice recommends financing with CareCredit, Alphaeon, and PatientFi.
Request FinancingSchedule Your Rhinoplasty Consult with Dallas Plastic Surgeon
Dr. John Burns
Schedule your private consultation with Dr. John Burns. Dr. Burns offers both virtual and in-office plastic surgery consultations for men and women seeking rhinoplasty rejuvenation in Dallas, throughout the United States, and the world.
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