Male Liposuction in Dallas, Texas- Dr. John Burns, MD, FACS

Liposuction is an incredibly effective surgical procedure for eliminating stubborn fat deposits and creating a better-defined and more masculine physique. Dr. John Burns is an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in male body contouring.

Dr. John Burns, MD, FACS,  offers a comprehensive range of liposuction procedures designed to help men in Dallas-Fort Worth and beyond look and feel their best.

Liposuction Results
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Body Contouring Benefits For Men

One of the primary advantages of undergoing body contouring procedures is regaining body confidence. Men can feel more comfortable in their clothing and athleisure wear, knowing they have achieved their desired physique. Additionally, body contouring allows for sculpting areas that may not respond well to exercise at the gym, providing a solution for stubborn fat deposits, and men feel more motivated and encouraged to maintain a healthier lifestyle.

In particular, as men age, fat becomes more stubborn and resistant to diet and exercise. Even with meticulous diet and exercise programs, fat can accumulate and be a source of self-consciousness. Problem areas for men are typically the abdomen, chest, and love handles or flanks.  

Read More: Liposuction For Men- How It's Different

Superior Results Are In The Details- Lipo Devices Used To
Remove Fat + Sculpt

Traditional Liposuction

Traditional or standard liposuction involves a two-step process. After the patient is marked, the areas for liposuction are infiltrated with tumescent fluid which contains IV fluid, local anesthetic (lidocaine), and epinephrine (adrenaline). The fluid is introduced into the fat about 10 minutes before the fat is removed to allow the epinephrine to have maximal effect. Epinephrine constricts blood vessels and limits bruising and blood loss. The lidocaine numbs the area making recovery less painful. Typically a 1:1 ratio is used where the amount of fluid added is equal to the amount of fat and fluid removed (liposuction aspirate). This is called a “super wet” technique. The fluid makes the removal of the fat smoother and less traumatic.

VASER® Hi-def Body Contouring

Male fat is typically more fibrous and can be more difficult to remove than female fat. Areas like the chest, flanks, and back are also more fibrous and difficult. For this reason, Dr. Burns uses VASER® ultrasound liposuction on all male patients. The VASER® is an additional step where high-energy ultrasound is used to break up fat making it easier to remove. With VASER® the recovery is typically easier as there is documented less bruising and swelling when using VASER®. Additionally, there is less trauma to the tissue when removing the fat.

The use of VASER® is known as high-definition liposuction as more fat can typically be removed than without VASER® with a smoother skin surface due to the heat causing tissue and skin contraction. In requested cases, the VASER® can be used to highlight or outline muscles using a liposuction technique called “etching.” Etching is typically done in the abdominal area to further define abdominal muscles.  

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What Areas Does Dr. Burns Commonly Sculpt For Men?

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Double Chin

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Love Handles

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Abdominal Etching

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Gynecomastia- Male Chest Reduction

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Abdominal Liposuction

Double Chin

The chin and neck are very common areas where men accumulate fat. A full neck makes a patient look heavy and older than their age. Removing the fat with VASER® liposuction has a desired youthful and slimming effect on men. Neck contour can be improved as well. Chin and neck liposuction is typically done using a tiny incision below the chin and behind each ear.

Love Handles

The flanks or love handles are a common area where men accumulate fat. This area typically is full but does not have a skin overhang. Flank liposuction is powerful in its ability to narrow the waist and prevent lateral fat from hanging over pants or shorts. Men typically have a vertically based rectangular body shape which can be disrupted with flank fat. Liposuction can restore a slim look and clean line to the male physique.  

Abdominal Etching

Etching is a commonly requested procedure where VASER® ultrasound is used to outline the muscles and highlight muscle definition. Etching is typically done to highlight the midlines and lateral vertical border of the abdominal muscles to give better muscle definition. Dr. Burns does not prefer to do transverse or lateral etching as this can accordion or move downward with aging and would not be anatomic as the patient ages.  

Gynecomastia- Male Chest Reduction

It is common for men to accumulate fat in their chest with weight gain. Additionally, many men suffer from a condition known as gynecomastia where breast tissue can form in the chest causing the nipple/areolar area to be puffy and pronounced. This can be psychologically difficult for men who find themselves unable to bear their chest in public. VASER® liposuction is used to remove fat from the chest and breast tissue is removed from behind the areola using a small incision around the areola. Treatment of chest fat and gynecomastia has a tremendous physical and psychological benefit for men.  

Abdominal Liposuction

The abdomen is perhaps the most common area of complaint for men. Fat accumulates around the waist and love handle or flank areas. It is important to discern where the fat has accumulated. Fat below the skin can be pinched and is amenable to liposuction. However fat can accumulate behind the abdominal muscles around the internal organs. This fat is called visceral fat and cannot be removed with liposuction. Additionally, if patients have an overhang of skin and fat at the lower abdomen, liposuction alone might not be helpful as the skin hang will be exacerbated. In cases with skin overhang, a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is usually combined with liposuction to remove both fat and excess skin. A tummy tuck does require an incision across the lower abdomen where skin is removed. However, this incision is well hidden in underwear and shorts. When excess skin is removed, the abdomen is flat and the results are much better.

Good candidates for male liposuction have good skin quality, minimal visceral fat, some subcutaneous fat, and no or minimal skin overhang. In these cases, liposuction alone can give excellent results.

Am I A Candidate For Male Liposuction?

Good candidates for male liposuction should be in good health with a body mass index below 35 and preferably below 30. Ideal patients should have discrete areas of fat, good skin quality, and minimal to no overhang of skin. For abdominal liposuction, the fat should be in the subcutaneous location and not around the internal organs; visceral fat. Most candidates will be able to pinch fat they would like removed from discrete areas.

Other considerations are non-smokers and patients who are off diet medications with a stable weight. Obese patients are typically poor candidates for liposuction. Older patients, patients with sleep apnea, or who have other health issues may need clearance by their primary care physician.

How Long Is The Recovery?

Liposuction recovery is generally very quick. In the first few days there will be drainage from the liposuction sites and patients will have significant soreness similar to a bruised feeling. There will be some bruising and swelling. Patients will need to wear special compression garments that help contour the liposuction sites and minimize swelling. Most men can return to work in a few days and light exercise in about 2 weeks. Swelling can persist but patients will always be smaller than before the procedure. The final results will be evident at 6 months when all the swelling has resolved. The best cases are when patients are compliant with diet and exercise regimens and maintain a stable normal weight and muscle mass.

Male Liposuction Before and After in Dallas, Texas- Dallas Plastic Surgeon, Dr. John Burns, MD, FACS

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Will My Liposuction Scars Be Obvious?

One of the primary advantages of liposuction is the absence of visible scars. Liposuction scars are very small and fat to an almost imperceptible small scar. This is essentially a scarless procedure. The incisions are placed in well-hidden places so they can be easily hidden in clothing.  

When Will I See My Final Results?

Unfortunately, some swelling is unavoidable but is less extensive with the use of VASER® liposuction. The majority of the swelling resolves in the first few weeks with final results evident at 6 months. Dr. Burns will take before and after photos to evaluate your results.

Ask A Question

How Much Is Lipo For Men?

Liposuction cost depends on several factors: surgeon's fee, facility or OR fee, and anesthesia. Cost also depends on the number of areas such as the chin, chest, back, arms, abdomen, flanks, and thighs. The average surgeon's fee per area is about $3500. The total cost for the abdomen and flank areas is about $10,000 with additional costs for additional areas.

Read On: Top 5 Procedures For Dallas Dads

Male Liposuction Before and After in Dallas, Texas- Dallas Plastic Surgeon, Dr. John Burns, MD, FACS

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Book Your Liposuction Consultation with award-winning plastic surgeon, Dr. John Burns, MD, FACS.

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Take the first step towards greater body confidence and a more defined, masculine physique. Book your complimentary consultation with Dr. John Burns, MD, a board-certified plastic surgeon renowned for his expertise in male liposuction.

Named among America's Best Plastic Surgeons by Newsweek Magazine & Statista, Dr. Burns will tailor a body contouring plan to help you eliminate stubborn fat and achieve your goals. Don't wait—schedule your consult today and start your journey to a more confident you.

Get started here.

Schedule Your  Complimentary Liposuction Consult with Top Plastic Surgeon, Dr. John Burns 

Schedule your private consultation with Dr. John Burns.  Dr. Burns offers both virtual and in-office plastic surgery consultations for men considering liposuction surgery in Dallas, throughout the United States, and the world.

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