Dallas Mini Facelift Surgeon- Facelift Specialist, Dr. John Burns
Best Mini Facelift Surgeon- Dr. John Burns
Some women live in a critical space where they are no longer seeing the long-term benefit of nonsurgical treatments like botox and dermal fillers yet haven't quite arrived at the place of needing a full facelift.For those women, board-certified plastic surgeon and facelift expert Dr. John Burns recommends a mini lift.
Mini Facelift Gallery
What Is A Mini Facelift?
A mini lift is a surgical procedure that raises jowls and facial tissue of the lower face. The mini facelift procedure is unique to the individual patient. Excess skin is gently removed while the facial muscles (SMAS) are elevated to produce a more youthful appearance that is refreshed and natural-looking.
A mini lift does not include a neck incision and platysmaplasty. In your facelift consultation, Dr. Burns will determine which facelift technique is right for you.
Benefits of
A Mini - Facelift

Lower Face Contour
alleviates marionette lines, jowls,
and loose skin at the jawline.

hidden discreetly around the
earlobe and hairline.

Less Invasive Than
A Full Facelift
less dissection of skin
and facial tissues.

Recovery Period
traditional facelift surgery.
Some plastic surgeons refer to this facial rejuvenation procedure as the "weekend facelift" since most patients are able to recover on a long weekend before wearing makeup and being seen by friends and extended family.
Good Candidates For
Mini- Facelift Surgery
This cosmetic procedure is ideal for patients in their 40s or 50s who observe jowling with little skin laxity at the neck. Mini facelift patients can expect a slightly shorter recovery period, since the incisions are less-extensive. Cosmetic surgery patients often pair this procedure with other cosmetic procedures like an eyelid lift, fat grafting, or laser skin resurfacing.
Is Anesthesia Required
For A Mini Lift?
This procedure is best done under either general anesthesia or IV sedation in the operating room under the supervision of an anesthesiologist.

View Facelift Outcomes By Dr. John Burns
Plastic Surgery Procedures That Complement A Mini Lift
When a mini lift is warranted, oftentimes the patient will have a secondary rejuvenation need. It is common for women and men to have any or a combination of rhinoplasty, laser resurfacing, eyelid surgery, brow lift surgery, and fat grafting to the face.
Mini Facelift Gallery

Mini Facelift Recovery
Mini- Facelift Surgery Length: 2 - 3 hours
Anesthesia: General or IV Sedation
In/Outpatient: Outpatient
Side Effects: Temporary swelling, bruising, and some pain, lessened with pain medication
Risks: Pain, bleeding, infection, rare damage to nerves, incomplete improvement
Mini Lift Recovery: Back to work with makeup: 1 week; normal activities: 2 weeks
Final Facial Appearance: 1-2 months for swelling to completely resolve
Duration of Results: About 10 years
For more on mini facelift recovery, visit asps.org.
Read More About The Mini
Dr. Burns' blog reviews the 3 types
of facial aging, surgical versus nonsurgical
solutions, and more details about our mini lift.
Plastic Surgery Financing
Mini lifts are considered elective and not covered by insurance. The cost of a mini lift is determined by the surgeon's fee, anesthesia fee, and operating room fee. For those who prefer to review financing options, Dr. Burns' practice recommends financing with CareCredit, Alphaeon, and PatientFi.
Request FinancingSchedule Your Mini Facelift Consult with Dallas
Mini Lift Expert Dr. John Burns
Schedule your private consultation with Dr. John Burns.
In your mini facelift consultation, Dr. Burns will examine your face, skin texture, skin elasticity and bone structure. A mini lift, full facelift, or alternative treatment may be recommended to give you the most beautiful and natural result.
Dr. Burns offers both virtual and in-office plastic surgery consultations for men and women seeking facelift rejuvenation in Dallas, throughout the United States, and the world.