Plastic Surgery Blogs by Dr. John Burns, MD- Dallas, Texas

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Embarking on the journey of facial plastic surgery is a significant decision that can lead to transformative results in rejuvenating your appearance. It's important to do your research so you can select your plastic surgeon, know what lies ahead on your journey, prepare for recovery and plan to enjoy your results.
From deep plane facelifts to eyelid rejuvenation, brow lifts, rhinoplasty, and neck lifts, we explore a range of procedures designed to enhance your natural beauty.

Read Our Facial Plastic Surgery Blogs
4 TellTale Signs Of A Bad Facelift- Dr. John Burns.png__PID:9c24a513-a980-458f-81dc-36eb40b860e0Botox or Brow Lift? How To Tell What You Need.png__PID:558fc1dc-36eb-40b8-a0e0-181e09d51b7b
Facelift Recovery 101: What To Expect At Home


If you are considering a cosmetic breast enhancement procedure, it can be helpful to do some research and read blogs to research your options. 

Explore the latest trends, techniques, and patient experiences in the realm of breast enhancement- from breast implants to fat transfer breast augmentation to breast lift and breast reduction surgery.

Read Our Breast Rejuvenation Blogs
Breast Augmentation For Athletic Women by Dr. John Burns.png__PID:a9c66ee7-9e1e-4fc1-8373-fc078f113dd63d Imaging for your breast implants From Home.png__PID:9e1e4fc1-0373-4c07-8f11-3dd629185f30
Not Too Big, Not Small, Just Right Moderate Profile Implants.png__PID:4fc10373-fc07-4f11-bdd6-29185f304af0


Body contouring involves helping individuals achieve the body they have worked so hard to attain. By removing excess skin and fat, body contouring procedures can enhance the underlying support tissue, creating better-defined contours and an overall improved silhouette. This not only helps individuals feel more confident in their bodies but can also alleviate physical discomfort that may have been caused by loose or hanging skin. 

Tiny Tuck
Corest Tummy Tuck
VASER® Liposuction
Weight Loss Surgery
Skinny BBL

Read More Body Blogs
Tiny Tuck  by Dr. John Burns in Dallas, Texas.png__PID:7f48dc13-5e0e-4e03-b668-c59e63065604Tummy Tuck Revision.png__PID:dc135e0e-8e03-4668-859e-63065604427a
Everything You Need To Know About The Skinny BBl.png__PID:5e0e8e03-b668-459e-a306-5604427a9f5f


Men now have various plastic surgery options, like facelifts and liposuction, to achieve desired looks, driven by the desire for confidence and comfort akin to women; advancements enable minimally invasive procedures with shorter recoveries, accommodating busy lifestyles.

Click the link below to read more about plastic surgery procedures for men.

Read Our Blogs For Men
Liposuction For Men- How It's Different- by Dr. John Burns.png__PID:0373fc07-8f11-4dd6-a918-5f304af02b7f3 Options For A More Masculine Jawline- Dr. John Burns.png__PID:185f304a-f02b-4f48-9c13-5e0e8e03b668


We understand the importance of feeling confident and looking your best. Many individuals are seeking ways to enhance their appearance without undergoing invasive surgery. This is where our non-surgical facial procedures come into play, offering effective solutions for rejuvenating the skin and achieving a more youthful look.

Read More
How Much Filler Do I Need without Looking Overdone- Dr. John Burns.png__PID:c59e6306-5604-427a-9f5f-971ba616100fThe Perfect Lips Ratio by Dr. John Burns.png__PID:63065604-427a-4f5f-971b-a616100fdc54
Facing Off with The Phenol Peel- Dr. John Burns MD.png__PID:5604427a-9f5f-471b-a616-100fdc54c2b7

Dr. John L. Burns, Jr. MD, FACS 

Dr. Burns in an award-winning plastic surgeon, board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery,
and is President of the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute, one of the largest plastic surgery group practices in the United States.

Read About Dr. John Burns

Read Blogs + Press Releases
D Magazine Best Doctors 2023- Dr. John Burns MD.png__PID:12df3991-c169-4fae-bc65-8f512b206e9a
The Face of Breast Augmentation- D Magazine.png__PID:22fdf67f-64c1-47a4-8d63-f5b8e4b36db4
D Magazine Ask The Mommy Makeover Expert- Dr. John Burns.png__PID:c1692fae-3c65-4f51-ab20-6e9af9f4135c
Newsweek Best Plastic Surgeons 2023.png__PID:3991c169-2fae-4c65-8f51-2b206e9af9f4
In Depth with Dr. Burns- Your Breast Aug Consult.png__PID:f67f64c1-f7a4-4d63-b5b8-e4b36db48ca8
Americas Best Plastic Surgeons 2022- Dr. John Burns.png__PID:4d63f5b8-e4b3-4db4-8ca8-945dd0e26137

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