Everything You Need To Know About Skinny BBL
For years, celebrities like the Kardashians and Cardi B have shifted the focus from plastic surgery procedures like breast augmentation and liposuction to derriere-enhancing procedures like the Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). Brazilian Butt Lift surgery, however, is not a new cosmetic procedure. In fact, the procedure itself was first created by a plastic surgeon named Dr. Ivo Pitanguy in the 1960s and only recently made a resurgence, thanks to pop culture today. A traditional Brazilian Butt Lift involves using silicone gel buttock implants and/or liposuction and fat injections to enhance and shape the buttocks.
Some patients want better curves and aren't interested in butt implants, the main reason why liposuction with fat transfer is the more popular method for butt augmentation today.
Board-certified plastic surgeons also see two polarizing groups with BBL patients: those who desire a larger, exaggerated buttock augmentation, and those who want to smooth and slightly enhance the contour of the buttocks and "hip dips". While buttock augmentation ultimately depends on the volume (ccs) of fat cells that can be harvested and transferred to the buttocks, it is the strategic placement of fat that produces beautiful and balanced results in a Skinny BBL.
Let's review everything you need to know about Skinny BBL.
What is a Skinny BBL?
As mentioned above, some patients desire more subtle buttock enhancement. These patients tend to be thin, physically fit, and have a flat butt, hip dips, or lack transition between the waist and butt. A Skinny BBL can add moderate volume to the butt, enhance the transition from the waist to butt, fill in hip dips, and round out and shape the butt.
Patients who undergo a Skinny BBL procedure are having two procedures in one. While butt implants augment the butt, they do nothing for contouring other areas of the body. VASER® high-definition liposuction maximizes fat harvesting for a Skinny BBL procedure. Slimming the bra bulge, abdomen, waist, and thighs, to reveal and define natural body contours. Once collected, the fat is strategically injected into the buttocks to sculpt its appearance, adding projection, volume, and enhancing shape.
Who Is An Ideal Candidate For A Skinny BBL?
Idea candidates for Skinny BBL are:
- reasonably fit body types with less fat to harvest, and those who typically have a harder time building a bigger butt in the gym.
- healthy, non-smokers.
- women with a body mass index of 25 or less.
A Skinny BBL will not make your buttocks significantly larger, but it will improve the overall appearance and shape of your butt. If you're slender or have less body fat, and looking for better shape or rounding out your butt, a Skinny BBL might be the answer.
How Much Fat Is Needed For A Skinny BBL?
The amount of fat added in a BBL depends on numerous factors such as a patient's height, weight, anatomic variations, body fat percentage, and aesthetic goals. Fat volume exceeding one liter/buttock is considered a high volume BBL. Fat volume for a Skinny BBL would range from 500 to 800cc's, but sometimes it's less. Again, the goal for Skinny BBL is achieving the desired shape rather than size, and natural results over-exaggerated curves
What Is The Skinny Brazilian Butt Lift Recovery Like?
The Skinny Butt Lift recovery is similar to traditional BBL recovery.
Side effects include temporary swelling, bruising, some pain, and the need to avoid pressure on the fat grafted area for several weeks. My protocol for Skinny BBL recovery is as follows:
- Avoid sitting on hard surfaces
- Limit sitting for no longer than 45 minutes.
- Walk every hour
- Sleep on your stomach or side at bedtime.
Patients can resume cardiovascular activity 2-3 weeks after surgery. Final results appear after swelling resolves, usually 1-2 months following Skinny BBL surgery.
Dr. John L. Burns Jr. MD, FACS is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and President of the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute, one of the largest plastic surgery group practices in the United States. Dr. Burns dedicates his practice to aesthetic or cosmetic plastic surgery. Call (214) 515-0002 or email Info@DrJohnBurns.com to schedule a complimentary consult with Dr. Burns.