Dallas Breast Augmentation | Dr. John Burns
Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation continues to be one of the top cosmetic surgical procedures performed in the United States every year. The patient satisfaction rates for breast augmentation are greater than 95%. There are many reasons that people opt to augment their breasts, whether to enhance the size, fix an abnormality or create a greater sense of confidence.
Before selecting implants or fat transfer augmentation, it’s important for each patient to understand the full process, products and expectations involved. There are four factors that are critical in obtaining the desired result from a breast augmentation: incision choice, implant placement, implant type and implant size. Optimizing these four factors for each patient helps achieve the best results.
For more detailed information see Dr. Burns' webpage on Breast Augmentation Education
Breast Augmentation by Cup Size
If increasing your cup size is your goal, you have many options available to you. If you’re starting with an A-C cup size, you can grow to any size, but the process will change slightly depending on how much growth you desire. Small growth changes (like from A cup to B cup) require a low-profile implant, while intermediate changes (from A cup to C cup) require a moderate or moderate-plus implant. For the greatest change (from A cup to D cup), a high-profile implant will be used.
A cup to B cup | A cup to C cup | A cup to D cup |
B cup to C cup | B cup to D cup | C cup to D cup |
D+ cup |
Breast Augmentation by Breast Shape
No Implant Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation
For many reasons, women may want to augment their breasts without using an implant. Over the past several years, fat transfer has become a very popular and reliable method of increasing breast size, shape and symmetry. This procedure uses liposuction to remove fat from unwanted areas such as the abdomen, flanks or thighs and re-injecting it into the breasts. Dr. Burns uses a specially designed fat graft system and has been successful in using this less-invasive method.
Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation |
Dr. Burns’s Process
Dallas plastic surgeon Dr. Burns uses 3D imaging to ensure that each patient can choose the perfect implant volume, shape and profile before undergoing the procedure. Complimentary Crisalix 3D imaging is included with your complimentary consultation to ensure you will be happy with the results. This technology allows you to control for implant size (volume), implant shape (round or anatomic) and profile (implant projection). The results can be sent to you via email after the consultation so you can decide what’s best for you.
Alternatively, Dr. Burns offers 3D photographic simulations via an online consultation. Simply submit your basic information and three photographs via our HIPPA compliant online consultation form, and Dr. Burns will generate 3D images and answer any questions about the procedure that you have. This option is ideal for out-of-town patients or those who prefer the privacy of an online consultation.
In most cases, Dr. Burns recommends Natrelle Breast Implants from Allergan. Dr. Burns participates in the Alle Rewards Program, which provides discounts on all Allergan products such as Botox, Juvederm, Voluma, Vollure, Vobella, Kybella, Botox, Natrelle breast implants, Latisse and Skin Medica skin care products. With your Allergan implant purchase, you and a friend will receive a complementary Botox treatment through the Allergan program.
Other Reasons for Breast Augmentation
From amending the effects of pregnancy to correcting a tuberous deformity or breast asymmetry, there are many reasons to choose breast implant augmentation, and they each require a completely different approach. In most of these cases, restoring the volume and adding lift with minimal scarring is the goal, and Dr. Burns has had great success in boosting patients’ self-image through this procedure.
Breast augmentation for athletic women also poses several unique challenges. Athletic women tend to be thin with very little natural breast tissue. The perfect implant size must be selected in order to allow athletic women a full return to activity and to minimize implant movement with exercise.
Correcting a previous breast augmentation should always be performed by an experienced cosmetic breast surgeon. Problems from a previous breast augmentation may include (but are not limited to) asymmetry, breast fold malposition, capsular contracture, implant malposition and problems with breast shape, size or symmetry. As one of the nation's leading cosmetic breast surgeons, Dr. Burns dedicates about one-third of his cosmetic breast practice to revisions and corrections.
Breast Cancer Screening Before Breast Surgery
Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these breast cancer screening guidelines prior to elective breast surgery.
Expectations for the Procedure and Recovery
Most breast augmentation procedures are short and don’t require much recovery time. Dr. Burns is one of the nation's leading breast augmentation surgeons and he practices a Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation Protocol designed to limit recovery time and optimize the results. The outpatient procedure itself only takes about an hour and uses general or local conscious sedation. Most patients are back to work within a few days to a week and can return to strenuous activity within one to three weeks.
The expected side effects include temporary swelling, mild bruising and moderate pain. Expect your implants to completely descend into their final position in about four to six weeks. The risks include pain, bleeding, infection, asymmetry, implant failure and scarring around the implant (capsular contracture).
About Dr. Burns
Dr. John L. Burns Jr. MD is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and President of the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute, one of the largest plastic surgery group practices in the United States. Dr. Burns is the Medical Director for the EpiCentre Skin Care and Laser Center, Dallas' Premier Medical Spa. Dr. Burns dedicates his practice to aesthetic or cosmetic plastic surgery.
Raised in Dallas, Dr. Burns has been recognized for his work by many publications and organizations. He has been named for numerous years on the Best Doctor List by D Magazine. Dr. Burns was named as one of America’s Top Breast Surgeons and lectures nationwide on breast augmentation techniques.