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Posts tagged: subfascial breast augmentation

Why Subglandular and Subfascial Breast Augmentation Is Making a Comeback

Why Subglandular and Subfascial Breast Augmentation Is Making a Comeback

Breast augmentation remains a popular cosmetic procedure, with advancements in implant technology making subglandular and subfascial placements increasingly attractive alternatives to the traditional submuscular approach. These newer techniques reduce risks like animation deformity and implant malposition while offering quicker recovery and improved aesthetic outcomes, especially when paired with innovations such as Motiva Ergonomix implants and scarless transaxillary incisions.

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Mini Breast Augmentation

Mini Breast Augmentation
Many women want better breast shape and volume, but do not want to appear enhanced or fake. It's the primary reason why smaller but shapelier breasts are currently trending.  I am seeing a large population of my augmentation cases move from a several-cup size increase to women wanting a touch more volume while highlighting breast contour and silhouette. More and more women are avoiding larger augmentation that can get in the way of activities like running and working out.

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Breast Augmentation for Athletic Women

Breast Augmentation for Athletic Women
Fit patients have a unique option for getting their breast implants done right the first time: subfascial breast augmentation. Subfascial breast augmentation prevents animation deformity in fit women with low body fat. Dr. John Burns explains how.

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