Breast augmentation surgery is an exciting and oftentimes life-changing procedure. Like many women, you're probably reading this because you're researching breast augmentation and have questions about things like breast implant size, breast implant style and the different types of breast implants available to you. If that sounds like you, you're asking very important questions that should be reviewed in detail with an experienced and board-certified plastic surgeon.
Today, I want to talk about 3 things you should consider about breast implant surgery that you might not hear from your plastic surgeon. Based on the years I have spent performing thousands of breast augmentations, these points are just as important as the research you are gathering on your actual breast implant procedure.
What's Your Lifestyle Like?
I can't stress this enough: your breast implants should suit your life. In my practice, my patients who are marathon moms and yoga moms tend to prefer sizes that don't impact their ability to enjoy their active lifestyle. A well-proportioned breast implant partnered with natural breast tissue on a fit individual can produce a nice aesthetic that doesn't get in the way of physical activities. If you're not currently physically active, but it's something you're working towards after a procedure like a mommy makeover, it's still worth considering.
You should also be thinking about the type of clothing you wear and how having breast augmentation could potentially change that. If you're someone who loves a plunging neckline, you might prefer making a more noticeable change to your breast size and breast size and breast shape. If your goals for breast augmentation are to keep a natural or even more conservative appearance, you should express this in your cosmetic consultation so that your plastic surgeon can adjust their recommendations in keeping with your goals.
What Are Your Long Term Goals?
Breast implants were never designed to be lifetime devices. That said, you'll keep your breast implants until it's time to have them replaced (average 10+ years, according to ASPS), so it's important to consider how having breast augmentation will impact your future. This is especially important when making your breast implant size and style selection. Your breast anatomy is going to continue to change as you age. Starting out with a larger, heavier breast implant in your twenties can perhaps cause more breast sag (potentially requiring a breast lift) in your mid-thirties. It's something to think about and talk through together in your consultation.
Have You Considered Your Body Type?
You either wear your breast implants or they wear you. In my practice, I view your being fitted for a great pair of breast implants a lot like being fitted for your wedding gown. You should have implants that are going to be perfect for your body shape. From time to time I consult with women who previously had a significantly larger breast augmentation in their twenties and now want smaller breast implants due to back and neck issues or sagging implants. For many women going a lot bigger isn't always better, especially when talking body frame. When in doubt, ask your plastic surgeon. When you're ready for a consult, a good plastic surgeon will tell you if your breast implant goals are in alignment with your body type.
Take my advice
It's your body, and it's your breast augmentation. During your consult, I'll take very detailed measurements of your breasts and evaluate your skin elasticity and overall body proportions. Using photos we take on the day of your consult, you'll "try on" breast implants using Crisalix 3D technology so you can envision what the different sizes will look like on your chest. At the end of your breast augmentation consultation, my goal is to use your vision and anatomy to create the most flattering appearance for your figure, so that your body confidence shines through in your lifestyle.
I am going to do my best to make your goals a reality for you. That said, it's important for me to communicate my best recommendation based on the thousands of unique breast augmentations I have performed, keeping your health, safety and results as my highest priorities.
To learn more about breast augmentation with Dr. Burns, click here.
To learn more about saline breast implants versus silicone gel breast implants, click here.
To schedule your complimentary virtual consultation with Dr. Burns, click here.
Davis, D., MD. (2021, April 28). Will your breast implants last a lifetime? American Society of Plastic Surgeons. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/will-your-breast-implants-last-a-lifetime.