Liposuction continues to be a top-ranking popular procedure for both men and women (Michas, 2022). It's easy to see why. Liposuction is a tried-and-true cosmetic procedure for removing unwanted fat cells without diet or exercise. People prefer it for addressing trouble areas like the abdomen, hips, thighs, chest, and chin. And because liposuction is an outpatient (no overnight stay in the hospital), it's a treatment that produces significant results with little downtime.
In my plastic surgery practice, I use VASER® ultrasound-assisted liposuction because it's the best and most-advanced liposuction technology, and it allows me to maximize fat removal so my patients have smooth and even results with the added benefit of firmer skin. VASER® is an acronym that stands for 'Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance'. In liposuction surgery, VASER® is used after the tumescent fluid is placed to dissolve the fat. It heats the underlying tissue and tightens the skin. VASER® is also particularly useful in difficult liposuction cases like male chest, back, secondary liposuction, and liposuction of prior surgical sites.
According to Plasticsurgery.org., candidates for liposuction procedures are:
- Adults within 30% of their ideal weight who have firm, elastic skin, and good muscle tone
- Healthy individuals who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can impair healing
- Nonsmokers
- Individuals with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for body contouring
As with any plastic surgery procedure, patient partnership is critical in healing and recovery. I will do all I can to maximize fat removal and make certain my patients are properly contoured, but following post-surgery instructions and tips for healing will ensure the best possible outcome.
I've outlined some ways you can optimize your liposuction results to ensure you love your look.
Post-surgical Compression
Whether we're talking traditional liposuction or VASER®, after surgery, you're able to walk around the same day. Medical compression garments should be worn to press the skin tight against the body and help promote smoother healing. "Stage I" garments are provided in surgery and are typically tighter with thicker fabric and provide more compression and support. After 3 weeks patients can transition to less constrictive "Stage II" body shapers such as Spanx, Assets, or LuluLemon. These garments provide compression but are more comfortable and less constrictive.
Stay Hydrated
Patients should stay well hydrated and walk frequently to avoid blood clots like deep venous thrombosis. I recommend the addition of a good multivitamin and high protein diet to help promote good healing and replace diminished electrolytes. Patients should try and get extra sleep and rest as their bodies will need this for optimal healing.
Get Endermologie
It takes up to 6 months for swelling from liposuction to fully resolve. Manual lymphatic massage is helpful to reduce post-surgical swelling. Lymphatic drainage is typically performed by a licensed massage therapist. I recommend endermologie which is a mechanical massage designed to promote smooth healing, improve cellulite, and decrease swelling.
Maintain Current Weight
Liposuction isn't a weight-loss treatment. And it's not your free ticket to eating whatever you want from now on. While liposuction will provide permanent results in the treated areas, over-eating can cause weight gain that will lead to fat storage elsewhere in the body. For the best results, keep your weight within the normal range for your body type and maintain a healthy lifestyle. A normal daily exercise routine and a healthy diet can also help you maintain your ideal weight.
To get the best possible liposuction results, keep these tips in mind before and after your surgery, and follow all post-surgery instructions from your board-certified plastic surgeon.
Michas, F. (2022, January 18). Cosmetic surgery - Statistics & Facts. Statista. Retrieved March 21, 2022, from https://www.statista.com/topics/3734/cosmetic-surgery/#topicHeader__wrapper .
Dr. John L. Burns Jr. MD, FACS is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and President of the Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute, one of the largest plastic surgery group practices in the United States. Dr. Burns dedicates his practice to aesthetic or cosmetic plastic surgery. Call (214) 515-0002 or email Info@DrJohnBurns.com to schedule a complimentary consult with Dr. Burns.