August 2024
Day by Day Facelift Recovery
With Dr. John Burns MD
Recovery from a facelift is somewhat different than other plastic surgery procedures. While there is not as much discomfort, the psychological effects of watching your own face recover from facelift surgery can initially be challenging.
At Dr. John Burns plastic surgery, we do everything possible to minimize the recovery process but as with any elective procedure, it still takes some time and patience. The process has become much easier than in years past when patients would require weeks of downtime after surgery. Today, we have more sophisticated techniques and recovery processes to get you through much faster so you can enjoy your new, more youthful appearance.
It's Not Recovery You'll Want To Sprint Through
In our practice, we believe that an educated patient is an empowered patient, and our team strives to help you know what to expect with your facelift recovery so you can be compliant and patient with the process.
Knowing what to expect during your recovery helps many men and women advance through the mental milestones of recovery progress as they heal. We've put together this guide for facelift recovery to help you get through your recovery time fully aware of what to expect while preparing you to have minimal downtime. That said, keep in mind that you’ll want to give yourself a couple of weeks for initial recovery by keeping a slower day-to-day schedule, as this cannot be rushed.
This Is Your Face
Facelifts are incredibly delicate procedures involving your entire face and neck, unlike a standalone facial procedure like an eyelid lift or body plastic surgery that can be more easily concealed. Keep in mind, Dr. Burns is not just removing excess loose skin, he’s elevating the SMAS in the deep plane to create a more refreshed expression. Many times he’ll incorporate laser resurfacing to refine the skin texture, and facial fat grafting to restore contour to volume-depleted areas of the face. The temporary side effects and healing associated with both of the procedures can cause swelling that will go away as you settle into your rejuvenated appearance.
All of these reasons point to proper vetting when it comes to making your selection for choice of facelift surgeon. Your plastic surgeon should be board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Take time to examine their before and after photos and make sure you like the results. In our practice, we reserve many facelift outcomes for patients who prefer to be excluded from our website and social media, but who allow us to use their photos to educate on the different facelift techniques and holistic outcomes. Also, take time to thoroughly read through their online reviews for takeaways on other patient experiences.
When you visit Dr. John Burns for your complimentary facelift consult, we can put you in touch with several facelift patients who are comfortable sharing their journey with you to help you be better educated and prepared.
Facelift Before & After in Dallas, Texas- Dr. John Burns MD- Facelift Expert

Learn More About Dr. Burns' Facelift Techniques: Mini Deep Plane Facelift | Deep Plane Facelift | Lift & Fill Facelift
Plan For Success
Planning for your recovery rivals planning for the day of your surgery. It’s during the recovery process that you’ll need to give yourself the gift of time to focus on healing and not much else.
Our team will help manage your expectations accordingly so you can feel peace of mind knowing what to expect. Bruising, swelling, and skin tightness are normal parts of facelift healing. Meal prepping with extra protein, shakes, and soft foods like jello and broth the first few days will help you maintain proper nutrients.
It’s important to lean on friends and family the first week after surgery. Make arrangements for help around the home, with the kids, driving to post-op appointments, etc... Many women and men express their concern with having less energy for the first week- and it’s understandable- you’ve just had your face operated on. Give yourself grace and time to rest while your body heals. You’ll be back to normal in no time!
Be Patient With The Process, You're Going To Look Fantastic
It can be helpful to make a recovery schedule checklist for daily tasks while healing such as taking your medications, drinking plenty of water, eating daily meals, etc. Many of our patients take Arnica and bromelain for bruising and swelling. Ice and elevation are also helpful in easing the swelling and skin tightness many patients feel.
Some patients find facial massage to be beneficial. Our skincare center, EpiCentre, offers manual lymphatic drainage massage which alleviates facial discomfort and tightness. Some patients opt for red light therapy masks which data suggests is helpful with early recovery.
Mini Deep Plane Facelift Versus Full Facelift Recovery
There are some nuances with each facelift procedure and recovery differs if you have additional procedures such as eyelid rejuvenation/blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, lip lift, fat grafting, or laser.
Mini Facelift Recovery
In a mini facelift, there are shorter incisions and no separate neck incisions. The bruising and swelling are generally less as there is less dissection and undermining of the skin required.
Full Facelift Recovery
For a full facelift, the recovery is generally more extensive due to the combination of face and neck surgery. The neck lift itself involves more extensive dissection and often bruises more simply due to the effects of gravity. The degree of skin tightening will play a huge role in the length of recovery. At the end of the day, we want your facelift to last 10 years for you, and Dr. Burns will make certain to give you the best results possible.
The Day-By-Day Facelift Play-by-Play
Day 1
You will be wrapped in a surgical dressing with drains in place to collect any fluid and minimize pressure on your face and neck. Your surgical dressing will stay in place until we see you in the office the next day. You’ll rest in bed with your head elevated and apply cool compresses around your face and eyes to help with swelling. Your face will feel numb. You’ll be able to eat and drink normally as well as walk. The next day, day 2, we will take off the surgical dressing, remove the drains, clean your hair and incisions, and apply antibiotic cream to your incision. Your wrap will be replaced with a lighter dressing which can easily be removed.
Days 3-5
Bruising and swelling are generally worse before they get better. Oftentimes, bruising and swelling will settle in the neck and chest area. It’s completely normal. Continue with icing, resting elevated, and taking your arnica. Most patients transition away from pain medication during this time.
Days 7-14
Bruising and swelling continue to diminish. You might feel ok with light mineral-based makeup to leave the house. Many patients can drive after one week. You likely won’t feel comfortable seeing close friends or relatives yet but seeing strangers at the grocery store or cleaners might be ok for you. You can do some light walking outside the house to get some fresh air.
Day 15 and Beyond
By 2 weeks you should be able to see friends and family without feeling self-conscious. You might still require cover-up makeup. Most of your swelling should have resolved by this time. Your incisions will still be red but not visible when wearing your hair down. Your facelift scars will fade to an imperceptible fine white line over time. If you’ve had additional procedures like a laser you might need a little longer for your recovery.
Before & After Facelift- Facelift Surgeon- Dallas, Texas- Dr. John Burns MD

Considerations You'll Want To Make When Planning For Recovery
Childcare & Petcare
While you are used to focusing on others, these responsibilities might need to be delegated. It helps to have someone with you the first few days when you’re in the immediate recovery period. Arranging for childcare, pet care, or care for an elderly parent or relative would be necessary. Friends and family are great resources to help and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Have Your Medications Handy and Stay Ahead of The Pain
You’ll be provided with a medication schedule. Most patients will receive pain medication, an antibiotic, steroids for swelling, nausea medication, a relaxant, and eye drops if you have your eyes done. It is helpful to label your medications and make a schedule. After the initial few days, you shouldn’t require much if any medication.
Food Prep During Your Healing
You likely won’t be very hungry in the first few days but you do need to keep up your strength. You probably won’t feel up to cooking for the first couple of weeks after surgery, so having prepped meals on hand will help keep you healthy while recovering.
Other Recovery Items
At your pre-surgery appointment, our clinic nurse will give you a post-op bag with some basic medical supplies to help you during the initial period.
You’ll want to have on hand baby shampoo, hair conditioner, Bacitracin antibiotic cream, sterile gauze, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, and an ace wrap. Our clinic nurse has put together an Amazon store with any and everything.
Be Patient, Be Beautiful
Rest assured, the road to recovery may feel lengthy, but the ultimate results will be worth the wait. Throughout the healing process, it's important to communicate any questions or concerns with our office. Remember, they genuinely care about your well-being and want to provide you with support and encouragement at every stage of your journey.
Schedule With America's Best Facelift Surgeon in Dallas, Dr. John Burns

Facelift surgery is best left to the experts. Dr. Burns has performed hundreds of facelifts in his 20+ year careerTo understand more about Dr. Burns' approach to facelift rejuvenation, schedule your complimentary in-office or virtual consultation today.
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