October 2024

5 Plastic Surgery Trends That Might Backfire

Plastic surgery has never been more accessible, with new trends continually surfacing, driven by social media and celebrity influence. While some procedures can provide transformative and lasting results, others come with inherent risks that may lead to disappointing outcomes, particularly when pursued excessively or without thought for the long term. Here, we'll examine five plastic surgery trends that may backfire, leaving patients confronted with complications or lingering regrets.

1. Buccal Fat Removal

Buccal fat removal has gained traction as a sought-after procedure, where fat pads in the cheeks are excised to achieve a sculpted and contoured look. It's especially enticing for those wishing to accentuate their cheekbones and attain a slimmer facial profile.

Why It Could Backfire

While this procedure can create beautiful, defined contours, it poses a significant risk—premature aging. Fat in the face plays a vital role in preserving a youthful appearance, and as natural fat diminishes over time, removing buccal fat can lead to a hollow and gaunt visage. What might appear sleek in your 20s or 30s could dramatically age your face in your 40s or 50s, leaving you with a look that is hard to reverse.

Research Buccal Fat Removal

2. Overuse Of Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers have become a popular, minimally invasive option for enhancing facial features, softening wrinkles, and restoring lost volume due to aging. However, the trend of excessively filling areas like the cheeks, lips, and jawline is on the rise, often influenced by specific celebrity aesthetics.

Why It Could Backfire

Overzealous application of fillers can create an unnatural, puffy look commonly referred to as "pillow face." This occurs when too much product is injected into areas ill-equipped to hold significant volume. Moreover, excessive filler may stretch the skin, result in asymmetry, and distort overall facial proportions. Prolonged use of large volumes can compromise skin integrity, leaving one with an artificial appearance that proves difficult to correct without dissolving the filler or allowing time for the body to metabolize it.

Research Dermal Fillers at Dr. John Burns MD

3. Excessive Liposuction

Liposuction is a favored method for eliminating stubborn fat deposits resistant to diet and exercise. While it can effectively contour the body, an emerging trend involves overdoing liposuction in pursuit of exaggerated bodily results.

Why It Could Backfire

Excessive liposuction can produce uneven outcomes or serious health complications. Removing too much fat can result in skin irregularities, leading to lumps, dents, and sagging, due to insufficient underlying support. Furthermore, fat is vital for healthy bodily function, and its aggressive removal can create enduring issues like contour deformities or damage to the lymphatic system. Relying heavily on liposuction without accompanying lifestyle changes may also result in weight gain in other regions, as fat redistributes unevenly over time. Ensuring an experienced surgeon utilizes advanced techniques like VASER ultrasound liposuction is essential for optimal results.

Blog: Avoiding Trendy Liposuction

4. Early Botox Treatments

Botox is widely utilized to diminish the appearance of wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing the underlying muscles. Recently, the trend of younger individuals initiating Botox treatments in their 20s or early 30s as a preventive measure—termed "baby Botox"—is becoming prevalent.

Why It Could Backfire

Beginning Botox at a young age may lead to muscle atrophy over time. Unused muscles can weaken and shrink, potentially resulting in a flat, unnatural aesthetic. Overapplication of Botox can limit facial expressiveness, producing a "frozen" look. Furthermore, starting treatment too early may create a dependency, resulting in more frequent injections needed to maintain appearance, thus escalating both costs and risks over time.

Research Botox at Dr. John Burns, MD

5. Aggressive Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing serves as an effective technique for addressing wrinkles, scars, and various skin imperfections. By removing outer skin layers and stimulating collagen production, it can reveal smoother skin. However, there’s a growing popularity for invasive laser treatments promising dramatic results.

Why It Could Backfire

While more aggressive lasers may offer immediate visibility of results, they also pose higher risks for enduring damage. Excessive laser resurfacing may result in hyperpigmentation, scarring, and permanent skin texture alterations. Individuals with darker skin tones may face an increased likelihood of uneven pigmentation or blotchiness post-treatment. Additionally, overapplication could render the skin overly sensitive to sunlight, heightening the risk of future damage.


While cosmetic procedures can enhance confidence, it’s essential to approach trends with care. Overindulgence in popular treatments such as buccal fat removal, fillers, and liposuction can conjure long-lasting complications and an unnatural appearance. Prior to any treatment, consulting an experienced, board-certified surgeon is crucial to navigate the complexities of these procedures and achieve results that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also sustainable.

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