Excess skin and fat in the upper arm is a major concern for many women. Poor skin quality and the effects of gravity can cause the fat deposited in the arm to hang in a way which is aesthetically unappealing. The excess skin and fat can be surgically removed in a procedure known as a brachioplasty which can dramatically improve the contour of the upper arm. The incision can be partially hidden by placing it on the underside of the arm. For some patients without stretch marks or excess skin, liposuction can offer excellent results without a visible scar. 

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Patient Focus 1

Procedures: Brachioplasty

*All patients are unique and results may vary

Patient Focus 2

Procedures: Brachioplasty

*All patients are unique and results may vary

Patient Focus 3

Procedures: Arm Lift/Brachioplasty

*All patients are unique and results may vary

Patient Focus 4

Procedures: Brachioplasty

*All patients are unique and results may vary



Length: 1- 2 hours (depending on the extent of the procedure) 
Anesthesia: General 

In/Outpatient: Outpatient

Side Effects: Temporary swelling, bruising, and some pain

Risks: Pain, bleeding, infection, incomplete improvement, contour irregularity, healing problems

Recovery: Back to work: 1 - 2 weeks.  More strenuous activity: 2 - 3 weeks

Final Appearance: 1-2 months for swelling to resolve

Duration of Results: Permanent if stable weight maintained


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Body Contouring Plastic Surgery and Your BMI

Peer reviewed plastic surgery research indicates that the complication rates from breast and body contouring plastic surgery are much lower if your Body Mass Index is in the normal range.  For obese or morbidly patients, complication rates such as deep venous thrombosis, wound healing problems, and infection are much higher.  We encourage all of our patient to know their BMI and if at all possible achieve a normal BMI or at least < 30 before embarking on elective cosmetic surgery.  

Calculate Your BMI

Weight Management Resource Center from the NIH 

NIH Aim for a Healthy Weight Resource Center Assessing Your Weight and Health Risk Eat Right Resource Center
Be Physically Active Healthy Weight Tools Key Recommendations



Free Download:  Aim for a Healthy Weight Booklet