Age comes with some benefits, including wisdom and experience. However, time robs the skin of its collagen volume and elasticity, making wrinkles and sagging skin a concern for many people. Fortunately, there are ways to combat the effects of aging on your face, including surgical intervention. Some would even call it pre-juvenation in preparation for the prime of life. What was once considered a cosmetic surgery procedure for men and women in their 60s and 70s, the average age for a facelift is trending at early 50s, making patients who are aging into facelifts younger with each passing decade.
If you're somewhere between the ages of 40-50+ and are considering procedures for a more youthful appearance, here are 5 signs that you might be ready for a facelift.
You Are Tired Of Temporary Results
Most facelift patients have been faithful in making their skin health and facial appearance a priority. They typically have a more established history of getting temporary treatments like Botox, dermal fillers, medical grade skincare, and laser treatments. While these treatments are helpful, they do have limits; especially in treating gravitational changes in your face. If you are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the results of your temporary treatments or are beginning to require more Botox or dermal filler to achieve a result it might be time to consider a more longterm solution like facelift surgery.
You have Noticeable Amounts of Facial Volume Loss- Especially The Mid-face.
As we age the face loses volume in all of its structures: fat, muscle, and bone. These structures shrink, causing facial contours to change, resulting in thinner, gaunt facial aging. On younger faces, skin is plump and healthy, with elevated cheeks that give a heart shape in female faces. In cases where volume loss is mild, a mini facelift might be an option. Patients who notice moderate signs of facial aging should consider a full facelift, where facial fat and muscles (SMAS) can be repositioned and fat can be transferred to restore volume loss at the cheeks, jowels, temples and more.
The Primary Issue To Overcome Is Gravity
Only a facelift will address gravitational aging in the face, i.e., loose skin. This is characterized by brow ptosis/drooping, descent of mid-face fat, deepening of the nasolabial folds and marionette lines, jowling, and loss of a sharp neck contour. Facelifts can be customized to address all or some of these gravitationally-related changes.
You Are Increasingly Dissatisfied With Your Appearance
Every facelift consult patient will say that they've done the "pull back" method (pulling the facial skin back at the hairline) or simulating a facelift. Some have even used apps and filters to create a "wish pic" that is more youthful and revitalized. Do you like the way you look in a tight poly tale? If you need to pull your skin back to like the way you look then you are probably ready for a facelift.
Need-To-Knows When Starting Your Search For A Facelift Surgeon
If you are considering a facelift, you should be in good physical health and be ready to commit time to your recovery. Make sure your plastic surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, operates in a fully accredited surgery center or hospital, and uses a Board Certified Anesthesiologist for your anesthesia. Make sure your surgeon dedicates a significant portion of their practice to facelifts and has many before and after photos for you to review.
Dallas plastic surgeon Dr. John Burns, is President of the prestigious Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute and a nationally-recognized expert in breast enhancement, welcomes the opportunity to discuss breast augmentation and other cosmetic goals with you. To make an appointment, simply call his office at 214-515-0002, or send an email through his website. Online consultations are also available. Dr. Burns and his staff look forward to meeting you!