Cellulite Treatment: Qwo
QWO: Like Botox for Your Butt
What is Cellulite?
3 Things Contribute to Cellulite
Skin | As we age, skin will get thinner |
Fat | Fat cells enlarge and push up against the thinning skin |
Fibrous Septae/Bands | The fibrous bands under the skin thicken and cause tension and the signature dimpling on your thighs and butt |
How Qwo Works:
Qwo Treats the Fibrous Septae and Improves Cellulite
Qwo is the first and only FDA-approved injectable that treats cellulite. Qwo is an enzyme that dissolves the fibrous septae that cause cellulite which results in smoother skin.
Enzymatic Subcision and Remodeling (ESR)
Enzymatic Subcision and Remodeling (ESR) describes the process whereby enzymes degrade or dissolve the collagen component of fibrous septae thus releasing the bands causing cellulite. Qwo is an injectable formulation of two enzymes that degrade the fibrous septae. Qwo is an enzyme called collagenase which is derived from a bacterium called Clostridium Histolyticum (CCH or QWO). Qwo is the injectable formuations of two enzymes that degrade Type I and Type 3 collagen in specific tissues to create smoother skin.
In addition to releasing the bands, these enzymes stimulate the production of newer collagen molecules that improve the appearance of the skin in a process called neocollagenesis.
Qwo Treatments
Qwo is a simple office treatment where it is injected into cellulite dimples. Qwo comes in 2 different sizes and is priced accordingly. Qwo requires three treatments sessions spaced 2 to 4 weeks apart to get the desired effect. For optimal results we recommend combining Qwo with Endermologie which helps smooth the skin and speed results and recovery.
*Qwo Cellulite Therapy by Dr. John Burns. 1 month after 3 large Vial treatments. *Results may vary
Qwo Side Effects
Post treatment bruising is the primary side effect of Qwo. Pain and swelling tend to be minimum. Bruising can be decreased with treatments using tranexamic acid (TXA) formulations, Bromolin, or Arnica.
Qwo Pricing
Qwo is priced between $3600 and $4600 for 3 treatment sessions with the price reflecting whether or not you'll need the larger or smaller vial of product.
Patients see improvement at about 3 weeks after treatment with improvement continuing as collagen remodeling continues. Three treatments have been shown to be necessary to achieve optimal results.
15 minutes
None: office based
Outpatient: office based
bruising, mild pain
Pain, bruising, incomplete improvement
Back to work: same day
More strenuous activity: same day
3 weeks after third treatment