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Posts tagged: breast augmentation

Advanced Concepts In Breast Augmentation- Bottoming Out

Advanced Concepts In Breast Augmentation- Bottoming Out
Breast augmentation complications are relatively rare, but they can occur. One undesired outcome is bad implant positioning. Implant malposition occurs when the breast implant pocket stretches, causing the implants to rest in an unwanted position. When gravity's effect on the implant and breast tissue stretches beyond what is normal, we refer to that as "bottoming out."

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The Mother's Day Makeover Guide

The Mother's Day Makeover Guide
For some women, concerns about facial aging and wrinkling, skin changes, & loss of defined neck contour. Other moms are more bothered by the changes to their figure that are a byproduct of pregnancy and hormonal effects. No matter the focus, we offer head-to-toe options to correct and enhance your most pressing concerns.

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Teardrop Breast Augmentation

Teardrop Breast Augmentation
Women have different needs and goals for wanting breast augmentation surgery. Aesthetic trends around obvious breast augmentation and subtle breast augmentation come and go, but in my practice, the majority of women are searching for a natural-looking teardrop shape with round breast implants. 

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